Development London Bus Pal

What’s been happening?

I haven’t written any posts for a while, but you will notice that there have been some updates to the app. Life started getting really busy from October, but things seem to have stabilised a bit now so that I can try and find a balance between life and my app.

My posts are mainly to try and give people a bit of an insight into what goes on behind the scenes of London Bus Pal. Here’s what you need to know:

  • I have a day job which is not developing a mobile app
  • I work on London Bus Pal in the evenings, mornings before work and weekends (but I have taken long breaks at times when I just get too busy at work)
  • I do not make enough money from the app to not have to work a day job
  • If I could, I would work on the app full-time, because I have so many ideas but just not enough time to implement them

That’s all for now. Always happy to correspond over email!

London Bus Pal

London Bus Pal v20.2.2

  • Updated the way the app displays errors when TfL has scheduled maintenance 😡
  • Improved the look of the toggle countdown time displays ⏰
  • Added in some “secret” swipe gestures – you can swipe left or right to get additional information:
    • Swipe the stop name left or right when viewing stops to see the 5 digit stop code. 🚏
    • Swipe the destination of a bus to see the bus registration number 🚌
  • Better handling when the app loses connectivity to the internet 🌐
  • A few small bug fixes 🐞

London Bus Pal

London Bus Pal v20.2.1

Next update to make things better.

  • • Added in toggle function to switch between countdown and ETA view ⏰
  • Added in option to show fleet number by default when looking at buses (changed in settings) 🚌
  • Improvements to make the app as small as possible 🗜️
  • Updates to the platform and libraries I use to ensure that the app is as stable as possible. 📚